Friday, May 9, 2014

Garden light

I was quietly sitting in the terrace when I noticed this nice light above my head. It was looking very nice in the dim light of late evening! Sharp edges also cast nice shadows.
The slight tilt on the left is not a mistake - I was actually sitting a bit off the centre and about 6 feet below it.

Graphite pencil (HB, 2B) on drawing paper.
Size: ~9"X 7" (22.5 cm X 17.5 cm)


Viewer may question the sanity of one who finds the subject of his drawing in an as inartistic thing as a computer hardware accessory; but then what more can be expected of a person who's Software Architect by profession? :)

I had some time and was itching to sketch something when I saw this USB cable lying there like a lazy serpent. Nice light and shadow patterns across its length was amusing; so I decided to target it. Now this is not something as scenic, as artistic as a beautiful landscape, a flowing spring etc. And that is why, when the subject in itself is not so artistic, it really becomes ARS GRATIA ARTIS - art for the sake of art (itself)!

I agree that the sketch has not come out well; finishing touches to the "wire" part are not so smooth. This is partly because it was a quick sketch and (to be honest) largely because of lack of practice and also because I lost patience towards the end :(.

Graphite pencil (HB, B) on drawing paper.
Size: ~6" X 5" (15 cm X 12.5 cm)

Friday, June 1, 2012


Another one from the old stock ca. 1994-95. A pencil sketch of Adolf Hitler.

Don't recall the source of the photo or picture from which I reproduced it. Probably it was a photo in a history book - either Kaanitkar's "NAzi BhasmAsurAcha  UdayAsta" or Shirer's "Rise and fall of the Third Reich".

This one - for a change - was pencil on canvas. I had a piece of canvas left out after a painting and wanted to try the experience of pencil shading on canvas.  Had to use HB grade obviously because canvas wouldn't absorb graphite. So any softer pencil like even 2B would have caused a lot of unintentional smudging and blurring during the handling of the picture. (Even this one has been carefully preserved with a butter paper covering.)

Size: ~15" x 12"


Friday, May 25, 2012

The evening

Der Abend

An old reproduction of a commercial artist's oil painting on particle board. Obviously, it's nowhere near the original one though! But I was very fascinated by the beautiful original painting. And that's why this is still one of my favorites because it always reminds me of that original one.

I used poster colors on drawing paper.
Size : ~ 24" x 10" (60 cm x 25 cm)
Ca. 1993. A bit old. That's why you see some discoloration of the bushes on the hill on right side.

Owing to my affinity to German, it has been fondly titled "Der Abend" (German for "the evening").


Sunday, April 15, 2012


HB Pencil/Black pilot pen on normal (reused) print paper (A4). Thanks to my daughter Ashwinee. It's while giving her a drawing assignment that I eventually did it myself too.